Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dream of Cailfornication

Throw back Thursday
Reminiscing about 365 days ago. More road trip videos to come, but I thought it was fitting to show this video one year out. Disclaimer: I am a huge nerd and proud of it. If you don't believe me, watch the video.

Joey drove 4 of the 6 days, but I wanted to drive Sky into Cali.
We made it!
Sky hits 100,000 miles

What my house looked like for over a month. 

Thanks to my Uncle Allan I had GORGEOUS flowers to pretty-up our empty space.

Monday, May 13, 2013

We all want LOVE

Shout out to the City of Champions. The nickname refers to Boston's streak of dominance in sports in the last decade, but I'm referring to the WORLD CLASS way Boston handled the Marathon Bombing tragedy. 

Last weekend when I was home for my best friend's bridal shower (!!), I went into the city to check out the memorial. It was beautifully moving. It was weirdly eerie being in SD throughout the whole thing. In my heart I was home in Mass with everyone, but then I'd go outside and everyone here was going about their normal life. Joey and I always talk about how BOSTON's roots are so STRONG. This whole damn thing just  exemplifies that. 

Love you all! XOXO.
This pic is from the night they captured the 19 year old.

From Miss to Mrs