Thursday, September 5, 2013

Summer of '73

5773 that is. And now with the new year ---happy & healthy to everyone!--- I'm reflecting on our incredibly invigorating summer.

So you know Joey proposed in March, and we spent the next couple months basking in engagement. Even though I have some very persistent family and friends, my goal was to relax and enjoy and then have all the big stuff nailed down by the time we were back in Boston. Come May I found my wedding dress (eeee!!!!), we chose our venue, and rounded out the edges with DJ, caterer, photo and videographers... Want a sneak peek?
South Garden in La Jolla Woman's Club
By June we we were home for the wedding of the year (trademark by the bride). The entire event was perfection, I feel so blessed to have been a part of it.
Kat & Joe's bridal party, GQ style
She is one STUNNING bride

Yes I had Joe 'break the glass' at the end of my speech

The day after the wedding we flew home to be greeted by my parents, sister, brother-in-law, nephews, and grandparents. Hosting and showing off San Diego are two of my favorite things to do. Mix that with my immediate family and it was bliss. A few of my personal highlights:

  • Showing the ladies a sneak peek of all my wedding secrets, topped off with a delicious lunch
  • Watching Noah and Eli's faces light up at all the animals at the San Diego Zoo
  • Spending the day with my parents at Coronado and sunset at Pacific Beach

They left and my brother and his two friends came for the following week. Entertaining the guys was fun and laid-back. We spent the 4th of July at our friends house eating ridiculously tasty home-cooked food and catching the fireworks from their backyard. Come back everyone, SD misses you.

If you can believe it, we were back in Massachusetts just two weeks after Kat's big day for another wedding. This time one of my grade school friends was getting married and it turned into a mini Hansen Elementary School reunion. God, I love weddings and friends and western MA.
Shawn, Dave, Joey, Eddie the night before the wedding
Tough town sticks together.
Helen H. Hansen Elementary school girl friends gazing at the GORGEOUS bride
From left to right: Lindsay, Brenna, Janeen, Erica, Liz, Hannah, Amy 
We danced til the music stopped. Excuse the bra.
I repeat, 'God, I love weddings and friends and western MA.'
Cannot wait for 2014 and each of our weddings!!!!! Bring it on.
And while we were home, we lucked out with timing and saw RDGLDGRN perform at Comcast Center. Never heard their music? You're in luck too. Their worldwide album just released. Get it here.
Front row watching RDGLDGRN

Cousinly love. Backstage after the show with RDGLDGRN.

After all that amazingness it was good to be home with little to do in August. Wedding prep continued, Joey and I celebrated 8 years together, and we hit our official year countdown. I'd call that a fabulous way to end a magical year. Life just keeps getting better and better.

L'Shanah Tovah Tikatevu to each and everyone of you. And for those that are curious, the literal Hebrew to English translation: "May you be inscribed (in the Book of Life) for a good year."
In short, wishing you a good year!

And a few more pics.
Sky is officially Californian
This summer me and my siblings all added new watches to our wardrobe.

Parents representing Boston on Pacific Beach.
Happy 36th Anniversary Mom&Dad!!

Celebrating 8 years at Bencotto, my new Italian obsession
Sunset picnic with my boo. In 5774 I wish to watch more sunsets.


  1. Great post! Thanks for sharing. Def. Looks like the summer was a blast for you guys. Hoping an amazing 5774 for you both. :)

  2. Great post and I love the pics!!

  3. Thanks Cindy & James! Fall should be amazing too with Jeff & Nikki's wedding and on a smaller scale the return of football. xoxo

  4. Sweet Amy, I loved finally catching up with your year's adventures. The blog is marvelous. Love, Auntie Carol
