Sunday, September 17, 2017

L'Shana Tova

I had a really nice morning and as I sit here and eat my chocolate croissant from Pick Me Up Chocolate in Sausalito I'm going to tell you about it. 

I woke up fast at 6:00 AM. Without giving it much thought I made my way to Baker Beach to watch a foggy sunrise. 

Sunrise at Baker Beach, San Francisco

I had never been but you all know how much I love the ocean. I'll take a peaceful sunrise or a sunset at the beach any day. Baker Beach is just south of Golden Gate Point where the Golden Gate Bridge connects with the peninsula, so after some morning beach time (and reminding myself that I could/should do this most mornings at home), I hiked up to the bridge and crossed it on foot. 

Mom, Look that's Alcatraz just off center to the left.

Looking back at SF from Vista Point

Ladies in hats having a photoshoot at Vista Point

I ate breakfast outside, read my book laying on a park bench, spoke with an older gentleman outside of the Visitor Center, and on my way to catch the ferry I found myself across the street from a store with a large CHOCOLATE sign. 

12 handcrafted pieces, 7 bars, and a croissant later, in line on my way back to San Francisco, another older man asked if the book I was reading was science fiction. It is not, but that spawned a long and interesting conversation with Dr. Dudley, a former fetal/maternal specialist in high-risk pregnancies and double-board certified endocrinologist. We spoke for the entire ferry ride and as we walked back to our respective hotels. He gave me his card. I'm sure we will be in touch.

The Golden Gate Bridge from the Sausalito Ferry

I share all this for a few reasons. 

1. I had a really nice morning and wanted to share. I hold back on my posts sometimes. It can get a bit much. This is probably too much for a lot of you, but knowing I want to remember this day I am putting it out there. For me. For the year ahead.

2. Most of the time I get stuck in my comfort zone and it's hard to get out. It's something I'm consciously working on. Just this week a few friends told me to get to Baker Beach. I'm so glad something inside me this morning pushed me to do it. 

3. I needed some me time. It's been an intense year. Lately, I've been asked what makes Amy happy. Well, definitely my family, my friends, the ocean, the sun, walking, talking to kind people, chocolate. As Rosh Hashanah approaches I am really happy I had this day for me. 5777 has been a tough year. Looking forward to new adventures in 5778. 

Wishing all who celebrate, L'Shanah Tovah Tikatevu V'taihatem


  1. I love your blogs, Amy. They're never too much for me. And I love your pictures and the description of your encounters. May 5778 bring joy and happiness along with new adventures. Love and blessings. L'shanah tovah v'm'tukah. -- Auntie Carol xo xo

    1. I thought of you many times today on my adventure. Love you so much.

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