Tuesday, September 29, 2020

I literally dove into 5780.

Hi! Wanna know something about me?

Each new year

I choose one word.

Better yet it chooses me

This year the word was G R O U N D I N G 

My intention: to ground down into San Diego

The universe surely fucking provided ✨

It was an epic year fulfilling some of my wildest dreams! 

Cheers to another year consistently pushing to the edge of my limits.

Here's a lookbook by month plus some landscape shots I took on my many long walks. My one rule was that I could not walk the same path twice. Gave me an awesome excuse to explore my backyard. Grounding down into San Diego - even amidst a pandemic - definitely positively charged me.

If you haven’t chosen a “Word of the Year” yet, maybe give it a go for 2021. The first step to manifesting anything you desire is awareness and intention. Sounds mystical, but it's not! A Word of the Year is a constant - gentle- reminder that sets you on a path and helps move you towards what you want.

May this coming year bring you, too, new energy, more clarity, and guidance to that next level of growth.  

Love to all. Love, me

Amy's in Austin, Texas (October)

San Diegan Wonder Woman (October)

Papa's 95 (November)

Family in Florida (November)

Hawaiian Do Nothing Club (November)
Galapagos Smiles (December)

Sibling Layover  (January)

Mallwalkers (January)

O the Love (February)

Happy 35! (March 1)

Breaking in my Birthday Suit (March, Friday the 13th)

Beach(walks) Closed (April)

Mazel Tov, Habibi You're Rising (May)
Heartfelt Volunteer (May)

Touch the Sky (May)

Grand Dogma (June)
Dog Days of Summer (July)

 3 Bitches in a Backseat (August)

Big (Grizzly) Bear (August)
Explore San Diego

Book of Life (September)

Landscapes from my Lens

May you never forget how far you have come,
for you have traveled miles to get to this place. 
May you never forget the starless nights that shaped you
and the morning skies that gave you hope and strength to carry on.
For after all the years you have made it through, over and over,
light has found way to you. And even though you still have a long way to go,
all the miles you have traveled matter more than you know.

-Morgan Harper Nichols


  1. Such a great, fun, strong year for you! Can't wait to plan our next adventure together. XO

  2. Great pictures! Hope all is well!!! It’s been a hot minute!

  3. Ah, wonderful lookbook, wonderful photos, wonderful text. Love you to the 'ground' and beyond :). AC

  4. BEAUTIFUL - in EVERY way...Love you dear Amy and LOVE the dog rescue work you do! X Claire
